The Ghost Moon Orchestra….first listen party..

Well…thank you so much to everyone who came last Saturday, it was  so uplifting to hear your response first hand and the feedback was amazing.  It was great to meet everyone, friends old and new.

The acoustic set seemed to go down well too, unfortunately, as you may have heard, three of the band had literally been flat on their backs in bed with a bug for the previous week and a half so the final version of A Weather For Poets was not able to be performed.  Fear not though, some of the set played will certainly be on there, as well as some new material.  It will be finalised this week and we still hope to meet the early to mid June release date of the special edition – we’ll keep you posted.

Meanwhile – there are still some copies available to pre-order at Mostly Autumn Records


Thank you again for your support..

20 Responses to “The Ghost Moon Orchestra….first listen party..”

  1. A fantastic and very special evening; the album sounded great. Thanks for the explanantion about the accoustic set; I was surprised at the lack of any new material. Having said that, I loved the stuff you did play.

    Thanks again and hope everyone is fully recovered from the bug now.


  2. cootking Says:

    Aha The witches head nebula as recognised by your friendly neighbourhood astronomer – good cover!


  3. Rory Pritchard Says:

    Saturday was one of those rare but incredibly fulfilling evenings. To be one of the lucky 200 as part of the Mostly Autumn family was a beautiful feeling and experience. I met some lovely new friends and everyone I spoke to enjoyed the refreshing acoustic set (would be nice to see a little more often) and then anticipation finally quenched by the fabulous new album. Strange to applaud but we all felt it deserved it. so nice to meet and chat with you all and your immediate family members. Like all who attended and of course those who were not lucky enough, we all await the issue of this most incredible and magnificent album. Thank you for such a memorable evening.


  4. Thanks for another magical evening. We love our little sojourns to York. First impressions are that the new CD sounds more of a thematic whole , at least musically , and a move towards a new MA more than Diamond Heart. The acoustic set will prob be quite different as you said you hadnt recorded it yet.

    It was a pleasure to catch up and chat to the extended Mostly Autmn family till chucking out time Regards to you all . All this and a taxi home with the lovely Becky ( well us to our hotel )

    Keep the faith and we will , see you at the Sage or maybe Cambridge if I can convince certain people

    Your friends from slightly further up North , John and Jan


  5. Nigel Hambrook Says:

    Fantastic evening, met some nice people, and looking forward to see them on the tour.. Might see the chap i sat next to , thinkhe was from Newbury, very up on his music. Nigel. Stowmarket.


    • Firstly to Nigel, I am that chap from Newbury and enjoyed meeting you and the other chap from Loughborough whose name I didn’t catch. Looking foward to catching up at the O2 Islington in September.
      As for the evening itself it was an absolute privilege to be part of it. Thank you MA. Great accoustic set which was only bettered the first listening of the Ghost Moon Orchestra CD. I think it will go on to be one of those career defining albums, and rightly so. Congratulations on the album and I can’t wait to receive my copy.


  6. Neil Alldridge Says:

    I was late arriving Saturday, and didn’t get the artwork/ album listing that everyone was hanging on to, at the very end I thought I’d ask Brian if there were any left and he went over to his table and fetched one back with him, I think it was his Mum’s So if it was thanks Brian’s Mum.


  7. Kev and Yvonne Says:

    We really enjoyed Saturday night especially the acoustic set, Ghost Moon Orchestra sounds amazing. Send our love to Ben Stiller aka Andy!


  8. Peter Benedetta Says:

    hi guys could nt make it that evening, but i hear the new album sounds like a mix of nightwish n within temptatio r n hmmm an interesting mix. i bet the new album will still keep the traditional MA sound in there, just spiced up abit. cant wait for it br delivered. hope u r all doing well.

    Kind Regards


  9. Peter Benedetta Says:

    How ever it sounds i trust bryans choice to take the MA in the right direction. i shell be at the robin on 02/09/12. bottom line is you guys r the unsung heros of rock of today. you play with emotion feeling n above all keep the traditions of classic rock alive in an era full of boy bands with guitars. rock on now n always.


  10. Hopefully the wait is soon over, so I can take this new beauty with me on my summer vacation (leaving at june 11th). Curious!


  11. whats the latest on realease date for pre orders ?


  12. Peter Benedetta Says:

    i know the feeling i am a very patient guy who feels good things always come to thoses who wait, gotta love the way we r all being kept in the dark, but i am sure MA just wanna make sure all is well n close to perfect before releasing tgmo. i am sure it wont be to long before we get an update.


  13. Peter Benedetta Says:

    so whos going to attend the gig at the robin on 02/09/12 at bilston i ve been there 3 times n this ll be me forth cant wait.


  14. Peter Benedetta Says:

    ok two weeks not bad will soon go by, will be looking forward to it even more then.


  15. Stephen Chamberlain Says:

    Good news ! My memory of the album is getting dimmer ever day :>(


  16. Peter Benedetta Says:

    dimmer stephen? no way i am sure it ll all be worth it in the end mate lol i know its annoying n know how u feel. it better just be a damn good album which i have every bit of confidence that it will be.i love the whole undeground approach to it all, yes its fustrating but will be more then worth it.


  17. KARL HORTON Says:



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